
Showing posts from June, 2022


Actually personalities of different traits and characteristics teach us lessons of life. In case of sycophants and fawner you need to be careful. Don't avoid anyone. Just be what you are to yourself, honest, truthful, jovial, understanding. It will help build your persona to an extent of a high caliber. And in turn rectify the mistakes of those who are selfish or mean for some reasons.with this in mind i remind you all not very leader is a leader some are in their interest of making their own projects and their family live the life they ever needed but i was conviced and happy to identify this lady well known as ABSHIRO HALAKE SOKA the only MP whose intereest and manifesto favours everyone in our region.


 WILL HE DELIVER ? hon mwenda busineness is idea on student scolarship simple calculation for genious mindS and non fools isiolo residents let take his sum on pulicity he managed to sponser 600 students each student had to pay comiitement fee of ksh2000 so let put rhis way for you to understand the trick he is using to win your minds 2000per head multiplied by the 600 students who were able topay f0r the comitment fee will sum to ksh1.2m which i wonder wether this was a registration fee for medicine personnels coz no any given tecnical school require any commitment or fee to register let me open your heads so that you can unerstand if he can manage to sustain all the students courses until they are completed as he claims in order for them to retain and be in class for 3 semesters is (take ksh15000per student for 600 student will sum to ksh9million per semester in 3 semesters khs 27m will be required ) will he manage bearing in mind that each year he will be required to sign a chequ

Isiolo County Women Representative Guarantees Equality For All Women In The Region

ISIOLO women and girls well represented by hon SUMEYA BISHAR the queen of isiolo The hour to restore and support equality in our community through empowering our womens and girls is now through the reign of incoming isiolo women rep hon Sumeya Bishar. we can all make this happen if We all unite and leave our initial tradition societies beleifs that only men can parade themselves as leaders,we all know them,make sure your not sentimental because our children deserve better in our today community thus SUMEYA is calling apon you all to Join the moving train for the consolidation and restoration of our dear isiolo county girl child


  Wabera ward ground is set and ready for development through governship of incoming hardworking MCA HON SALESIO KIAMBI,WABERA WARD residents have declared they will be unstoppable from unrooting the curent wabera ward MCA due to his failed delivery as he promised during election. Hon SALESIO KIAMBI has promised alot of development in health education and improved infrastructure if he we all ALLOW him to represent us in county government with energ and full of stamina to fight vered against corruption since corruption has become one of our biggest enemy today in our ward. As the elders blessed and cast out blessings to hon salesio kiambi we al prayed God blessings and wisdom to be upon him so as he can lead with good leadership determined to face corruption head on fearlessly. We declare corruption as an enemy to the people of wabera ward. Whoever practices corruption is our enemy and we are ready to fight him or her with all means. God guide us on this coveted war against cor


Isiolo residents have decided that they are not an abomination society any more, where people live on the exploitation of inocent ,where poor people are always cheated with hands on Mouth goodies and promises which are not sustainable and where vulnerable people are the market for politicians where youths are promised heavens every election year without fulfillment. They have now joined arms and they are ready  to end poor leadership and call off darkness leadership to light for humanity  which they have found to their beloved daughter hon ABSHIRO HALAKE SOKA whom they have chosen to be their representive as member of parliament coming election year 2022  Hon Abshiro promised to replace dark politics with lightening leadership in isiolo north through job creation for all youths in the region. she also added that she will improve health sector  through addition  of public dispensaries wich will be be well equiped