
Showing posts from July, 2022
Today , very straight forward elders have made up their minds to change the impurity and unfairness in our county government through endorsing hon ABSHIRO HALAKE as the member of perliament. This decision was encouraged strongly,for the first time a woman of change was seen and properly identified,coz there before Our peoples mindsets was originally structured to explicitly exclude participation of non-male to vie for such seats but new dawn was seen. Decisions were made by the people in the county, and for generations to come that this practice will never end, for this was good for democracy, progressive movement in our county for duties and working to represent the people one must aim to do better. as she added "Even among those who hold progressive beliefs, unconscious biases can still impact our perceptions of women and people of color who run for office." Unfortunately, well-meaning attempts to “not see gender” or “not see race” can still wind up putting candidate


As we continue to celebrate this festive occasion with your family and close friends, i wish you you all Eid Mubarak and i Pray that On this joyful day of Eid-ul-Adha, may Allah fill your life with happiness, peace and prosperity. May Allah fill your heart with love, your soul with spiritual, your mind with wisdom. Eid Mubarak!UMOJA,AMANI NA UDUGU UDUMU


O NE thing i love about my candidate hon Abshiro Halake is that she anderstands very well the importance of not being corupt and someone who favour one tribe (hiss/her people) since this has been causing Civil protest and disorder, tribal conflict and war, terrorism,organized crime, extortion, fraud and forgery, drug smuggling and abuse, civil disobedience, riots, looting, just to name some, are among the most devastating consequences of tribalism she is not like other apirants who are well covered by tribalic minded people for example yesterday residents of kiwanjani were not happy,what nur and fraternity did was not right how would canditate disburse campaign money to only his people and do it openly by saying keep off nywele ngumu tule sisi kwa sisi that is why am warning everyone know your candidate early before we are totally destroyed by our own mistakes. VOTE FOR HON ABSHIRO VOTE FOR PURITY AND FAIRNESS 🤞 Let build socioeconomic and reject political marg


H ON njeru the real game changer for wabera ward the only mca who has promised to improve and build all Land issue which has been aching problem for people living in wabera ward, Improved health facilities, Developed eduation system with uniform bussary disbursement, fairness in all community agendas and ensure that all our youth are well mentored and motivated thru job creation and lessons for decision making.mbele iko sawa na uongozi safii foreseen by wabera ward people thru leadership of hon njeru karemba the one and only true mca